I don't know what it is that makes me love this movie so much. I've thought about it a lot, and though I can come up with some reasons, no answer has been satisfactory enough to account for how happy this movie makes me.
Part of it of course is the Leonardo DiCaprio + gangsters + Martin Scorsese combo. But it's more than that. I can literally watch this movie 2x in a row back-to-back and not get sick of it. I'm sure the swearing and the violence of this movie should bug me, but they don't. I'm sure it's sacrilege of me to say they're necessary, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it anyways.
I think part of it is the extremity of it all - the reality that there are certain parts of being human felt so intensely that they can only be expressed physically. I'm not saying that I actually want to go around punching people and shooting people and swearing and screaming all the time. But maybe I'm saying that there's something cathartic about watching other people do so.
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